Integrated Steering: AutoPilot™



The Autopilot automated steering system can be integrated into most brands of tractor and harvesting machinery, and it uses the machine’s electro hydraulic circuit to provide automatic guidance.

The Autopilot system when used with an RTK signal, will give sub 1 inch repeat-ability in all field tasks, from planting to harvesting and following any in-field pattern.

This retrofit solution will significantly increase your efficiency during field preparation, planting and harvesting as you’ll be able to drive more accurately and consistently during extended periods behind the wheel.


Autopilot™, Autosense™, CenterPoint™, EZ-Guide®, EZ-Steer®, EZ-Remote™, EZ-Pilot™ , Field-IQ™, OnPath®, TrueTracker™, TrueGuide™,T2® and T3™ are trademarks of Trimble® Navigation Limited registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office and other countries.
